A Guy with Lots of Heart: The Tale of Chris Terrell

Photo credit: Anacortes Magazine


By Deanne Savage

There are some people who unify, support and encourage. Chief among them, in our magical little burb, is Chris Terrell. Chris’ vision has been to “Bring people together through art and music”. He is happy to let others shine, whilst he maneuvers his way about town (camera with gargantuan lens in hand!); from event, to committee to the Heart of Anacortes.

Chris is managing The Heart, for the City of Anacortes, and lining up a summer of regional performing artists. If you have not yet been to The Heart, I recommend it, whole – yes, wholeheartedly.  Its smack dab in the heart of town (no, really) on the corner of 4th and O Avenue. The Library’s Second Sunday Jazz Series with actually be AT The Heart this summer – kicking off with the June 14th concert (2 to 3:30 pm).

When you arrive at The Heart, you can feel the mystical glue that Chris has disbursed; a festive vibe emanates –  music fills the spirit, the sunshine is manna from heaven, the good brew from The Rockfish promotes relaxation as the Lady with the Mexican Food Cart smiles as she dances around passing free samples of her mouth watering food. Many a time, I have looked at dear friends sitting around me, then gazed up and felt  grounded as I tooked up at the Platt Building (circa 1890) and thought about the many times music and joy have wafted from the Old Town streets. Being at The Heart, makes me feel connected to this town and its people…. Chris’ vision exactly.



















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