Event Proposal and Payment Information

Manieri Endowment Funding Proposal

Funds Proposal

The Manieri Endowment funds projects to promote the understanding and appreciation of Jazz and Swing music in Anacortes, including programs, performances, and partnerships. The endowment also fosters opportunities for local jazz and swing musicians and for students interested in pursuing a music education. Your proposal must fit within the mission of the endowment in order to be considered for funding.

  • Contact Person for requesting group/organization
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • including artist fees, admission fees, expenses, venue rental, insurance, transportation, etc.
  • We are not always able to grant the entire amount requested. Please indicate other sources of funding have you identified, including ticket sales, other donor organizations, etc. and amounts anticipated from these sources.
  • Describe the project/event and how it fits into the Manieri mission as described at the beginning of this form.


Payment Request Form


Check Request

Once your event has been successfully completed, please fill out the following check request so that you/your artists may be paid by the Manieri Endowment.

  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY
  • Artist fee, venue fee, insurance fee, etc.
  • Please tell us briefly how the event went! Good, bad, other?


School Partnerships

Our school partnerships are an ever-growing piece of the Manieri Jazz and Swing Endowment. Through our partnership with the Anacortes Public Schools, we are helping to create an appreciation and fascination with jazz and swing in the minds and hearts of young people.

In the future, we hope to expand to integrate other arts areas with the instrumental and vocal jazz and swing music – sponsoring swing dances in the schools – with live music advertised with student-designed posters; the inclusion of jazz and swing music and dance in theater club productions; music-inspired creative writing, art projects;  the possibilities are very exciting!

All of this will enhance the education and achievement of Anacortes students, as education in the arts has been demonstrated to do.